About Wolf Fitness SA
“Strength within yourself. Strength within your pack!”
Getting into shape can be seen as a daunting, punishing exercise but it doesn’t have to be. Exercise, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle will not just improve your strength and cardio output but also make you feel energised, refreshed and confident. Wolf Fitness SA can assist you on your fitness journey to success by offering a range of services that is important to you with achieving your goals.

Wolf Fitness SA

Welcome to Wolf Fitness SA. My name is Mark and I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer & Fitness Australia member.
I am living proof that fitness & healthy living can start at any age. My journey into fitness started just after my 39th birthday. Once I decided to break down the typical “gym junkie stereotypes”, I found myself feeling stronger, energised and more motivated. I love training & I love to motivate other people. In my mid 40s I decided to take another “leap” and head into another career – fitness. I created Wolf Fitness SA with the intention of breaking down those clichés and barriers and expelling the fears that one has when starting their fitness journey.
What We Offer
Services provided